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Image Building & Personality Development

Image Building & Personality Development

While there are many trainings conducted where individuals are thought how to keep aside what the world thinks of them and only build of themselves, this is not practical enough. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it is important to take note of what people’s perception about you is from time to time, to build credibility and reputation. This perception needs to be to your credit or you may lose on jobs, deals, relationships, etc. It is very simple. If people think you are insensitive and mean, they will not endorse you as such as this perception will work against you at every level, however, if people perceive you to be kind and humble, you will be showered with opportunities and people will want to connect or work with you.

With the wrong kind of behavior, you build the wrong kind image. Even your eating and walking habits create an image. In the digital world today, your What’s app and Facebook DP, posts, uploads and even a comment made on another person’s post are huge image builders. Without even really interacting with people directly, you have people talking about you. This image that is created on and offline, works in miraculous ways. People connect with you, the basis of your interests, your comments and your work. However, people stay away from you, if you handle your image immaturely. The way in which you talk or dress, shows your confidence and attitude which is a driving force to you being liked or disliked.

At SaSha Training Solutions, we have frequent workshops on Personality Development, which covers, communication, grooming, relationship management, etc. which help the individual understand behaviors and sharpen his personality positively. A person that looks good, wins his first impression, but SaSha does not stop there. We strive to help you earn your second impression as well, by grooming your language, attitude, posture and body language and inculcating habits of productive nature in you, so the change is long term. Our personal counselling sessions, help you with any personal challenges that you might be facing that makes it difficult for you to have the right attitude. We look towards a holistic learning process in the image change zone and thereby bring about one that lasts.