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80/20 Encouraging Entrepreneurial Skills

80/20 – Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a unique journey. The 3 to 5 years, that an individual takes a decision to start his own business happens to become the toughest, most challenging part of his life. If you thought you learnt how to walk and talk and you’ve come around safely to the age you are in, get ready to get down on your knees again. Putting away the idea of getting a safe job, with a consistent salary as 80% of the world would prefer to stay safe, when you choose to be that 20%, you are going to be called crazy. However, with the right guidance and strong planning, you could really soar high.

When a person does not want to be led by someone else, or has great ambition, he choices to start his own venture. Deciding to do something on your own and really getting the decision executed is Level 1 crossed, but the consistent investment of time, money, energy and efforts is a commitment that can be very strenuous. The expectations and judgments of friends and family happen to become the first Phase 1 of negativity. The lack of fund and right network, Phase 2 and then once you have cleared these, expansion, growth and upgrade Phase 3. As you cross each Phase, you become stronger or weaker, really depends on the attitude you carry and guidance you are getting. A lot of the youth today, seem to want to be on their own without the right exposure or experience due to which they fail to have the skills of organization, networking, selling, marketing, etc. They invest money without the right business plan or reference checks and then find themselves failing badly. Failure is a toxin you will constantly come across as you venture into a path alone. Picking yourself up and walking again with the same determination becomes a challenge difficult to face. Out of all the businesses that start, only 20% really survive year 1 and 2. Out of this only 10% really make it a point of success.

SaSha Training Solutions, become the source of the consistent motivation that you need to keep going. We help you with the attitude, you need to travel this road by yourself. We help you do a reference for yourself, to cross confirm if you should or not go that directions. We give you a checklist of what you would need that will become your emotional quotient to the travel. What is the difference between the 80 percenters and the 20 percenters? We draw parallels to your Entrepreneurial journey and that of your normal life and when you can see similarities you are able to find a balance between multitasking and thereby are able to manage all aspects of your life along with your work. Developing the right habits to get there and inculcating the required skills is what we do. We also help you connect to various resources, through our own network. Our digital marketing team is at your service at any time that you may aspire to go global.